Florida Property Tax Data Portal

Welcome to the Florida Property Tax Data Portal, a service of the Florida Department of Revenue’s Property Tax Oversight (PTO) program. This portal provides all of PTO's published data reports and access to public tax roll data.

Statewide Ad Valorem Tax Data

The documents below provide Florida property tax statistical information.


Document Description Format
Just, Assessed, and Taxable Value Summary County Just, Assessed, and Taxable Value Download Just, Assessed, and Taxable Value Summary (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (127 KB)
Statewide Statistics Statewide Summary Statistics Download Statewide Statistics (This link will open up in a new window)XLS (19 KB)
County Overview Statewide Summary Information by County Download County Overview (This link will open up in a new window)XLS (106 KB)
VAB Summary VAB Summary for Form DR-529 Download VAB Summary (This link will open up in a new window)XLS (272 KB)

County and Municipal Property Tax Data

The Florida Department of Revenue and all county property appraisers are required by law to publish specified county and municipal property tax information on their websites. This law also requires the Department to publish on its website certain non-voted property tax information for county and municipal governments. View the Department's County and Municipal Property Tax Data Files. (See also section 195.052, Florida Statutes, amended by the 2008 Florida Legislature in Chapter 2008-197, Laws of Florida.)

Document Description Format
Methodology Technical information on the source and calculation methodology of the data in the tables  Download Methodology (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (35 KB)

Assessment Roll Evaluation and Approval

The Department of Revenue reviews and approves property tax assessment rolls. According to section 195.096(3), F.S., results of each county’s assessment roll review are below.

Form DR-493 - Summary of Adjustments to Tax Roll

Document Description Format
Review of Assessment Results
2024 Overall Level of Assessment and Assessment by Stratum Certified Level of Assessment (LOA) for each county Download 2024 Overall Level of Assessment and Assessment by Stratum (This link will open up in a new window)XLS (25 KB)

Tax Valuation and Income Limitation Rates

According to section 193.155, F.S., property appraisers must assess homestead property at just value as of January 1 of each tax year. In the year after the property receives the homestead exemption or 1995, whichever is later, the property appraiser reassesses the property annually on January 1. Any change in the assessed value resulting from the reassessment cannot exceed the lower of:


  1. Three percent of the property’s assessed value for the prior year.
  2. The percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average, all items 1967=100 or successor reports for the preceding calendar year as initially reported by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Consumer Price Index

What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?​​
Document Description Format
Save Our Homes Beginning in 1995 or the year after a property receives the homestead exemption, an annual increase in assessment cannot exceed established limits (section 193.155(1), F.S.).
Download Save Our Homes (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (116 KB)
Total and Permanent Disability Income Limitations The maximum income limitation for the total and permanent disability exemption (section 196.101(4)(b), F.S.) Download Total and Permanent Disability Income Limitations (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (119 KB)
Cost of Living Adjustments The maximum income limitation for exemptions the property appraiser grants under section 196.1975(4), F.S.
Download Cost of Living Adjustments (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (127 KB)
Two Additional Homestead Exemptions for Persons 65 and Older Some county or city governments have adopted local ordinances under section 6(d) of Article VII of the Florida Constitution and section 196.075, Florida Statutes.
Download Two Additional Homestead Exemptions for Persons 65 and Older (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (132 KB)

Fiscally Constrained Counties

Under Florida law, the legislature annually appropriates money to fiscally constrained counties to offset ad valorem tax revenue reductions resulting from various amendments in the Florida Constitution. To receive an offset distribution, fiscally constrained counties must annually provide the Department of Revenue with an estimate of the expected reduction in ad valorem tax revenues that are directly attributable to specified revisions of Article VII of the state constitution. View the Department’s historical data regarding fiscally constrained counties.

Document Description Format
Fiscally Constrained Counties Map of Fiscally Constrained Counties
 Download Fiscally Constrained Counties(This link will open up in a new window)PDF (662 KB)
FCC Application DR-420FC Application Form
 Download FCC Application DR-420FC (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (506 KB)
FCC Distribution Current Distribution
 Download FCC Distribution (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (52 KB)